
Monday Fun #1

The weekend is over and another full week starts..NOW! Still not motivated enough to get your stuff done? No problemo! It's just monday , so you have still time to procrastinate :)
Just explore, read & share some nonsense from below and do something against your boredom!


Blowing vegetables

Good campagne to promote a new vegetarian restaurant. CGI Artist Tobias Stierli has done this work of course on the computer.


An artist writes the word "vertrauen" (german for trust) with 54.000 cent pieces on the street. Leaving it behind to find out what will happen to it. In an interessting video you can find out how long it will last..


There are a lot of stories of horrifying clients which have bad habits. I think every designer can tell some client expierences which where not so amusing. But what about the other side? Maybe the clients can tell some bad stories,too? YouTheDesigner blog listed down some types of designers you want to avoid.

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