
Monday Fun #5

The weekend is over and another full week starts..NOW! Still not motivated enough to get your stuff done? No problemo! It's just monday , so you have still time to procrastinate :)

Just explore, read & share some nonsense from below and do something against your boredom!


The short film shows Buzz and Randy Jackson who a run a pawn shop. Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus wants to sale her emmy award to them, so she can affort her own island.
Sadly to say - it's no spin off of Breaking Bad. But it's still fun to watch! You better should take a deeper look and discover the little hints in the movie, like a "Los Pollos Hermanos" sticker.



Artist and photographer Erdal Inci shows how art can be done with the digital media. He clones himself in digital form to create a neverending selfie army. Watching the continuous loop is pretty amazing!


Rarely did a project last so long as the current ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. You can scroll through any social media site and see people making them wet for a good cause! Klonblog was so kind to collect some of the best Ice Bucket Challenge.


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